How to Submit Proposals for Papers, Sessions and Roundtables

1) Session/roundtable proposals for the Marist 2019 Conference MUST be submitted using the following link:

If you propose a single paper, please check all available sessions online and try to submit your paper to one of the sessions’ organizers. Click here to check all available sessions and papers.

If you propose a session, please check also if there are paper proposals that fit your session and contact the appropriate person if you want to include that paper in your session. Click here to check all available sessions and papers

Each session must have at least 3 speakers.

All proposals must include the following information: name, email and affiliation: title of proposed session/paper/roundtable; short description of proposed session/paper/roundtable. Proposals with incomplete information will not be considered.

Click here to see how to prepare the word document to submit your proposal.

Please name your file as follows: lastname_firstname_dateofproposal.extension (i.e. rossi_maria_dec1.doc). If you need to resubmit a file, please use the same filename (do not change the date); by doing this the old file will be automatically replaced. We appreciate if you could upload all your proposals in a single file.

2) Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2019

3) Duration of papers: 20 minutes

4) Duration of pre-organized sessions/roundtables: 75 minutes

5) Languages of papers/sessions/roundtables: Italian, English

6) Notification of accepted papers/sessions/and roundtable proposals: mid-March 2019 (accepted sessions will be posted on the website; individual papers will be notified by email)

7) You can always publicize your proposals through the AATI listserv:, the AAIS ForumCanadian Society for Italian Studies, or any other listservs.